V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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回复总数  4
Result Screenshot
Words per minute (WPM) 144
Keystrokes 780
(721 | 59)
Correct words 58
Wrong words 5
You are better than 100% of all users (position 1 of 257 - last 24 hours)

是中文、 咦怎么窝不可以贴图
Result Screenshot
Words per minute (WPM) 114
Keystrokes 649
(572 | 77)
Correct words 47
Wrong words 6
You are better than 97.22% of all users (position 7 of 252 - last 24 hours)
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这个是中文的!其实如果再多打一次的话 我应该是可以打更快的!开玩笑 跟多人同时快速的打字是我工作内容的重要组成部分- -
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