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  •   Suger7 · 296 天前 · 4132 次点击
    这是一个创建于 296 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    今天是 2023 年最后一天,明天就是新的一年,先祝大家新年快乐哟!以下是长期和短期能远程的岗位,有兴趣的可以看看

    一、cocos creator 前端主管( cocos creator front end supervisor )


    1.熟练掌握 JavaScript 和 typescript ,熟练掌握基础数据结构和算法; 2.熟练掌握游戏架构的搭建和技术文档的编写; 3.负责 Cocos Creator 游戏引擎的开发和维护,包括游戏逻辑、用户界面、游戏功能等; 4.设计和实现游戏的核心功能和特性,确保游戏的性能和兼容稳定性; 5.熟练掌握 cocos creator 打包 app 和 app 调试; 6.熟悉 Cocos Creator 的开发工具和流程,并能够根据项目需求进行扩展和定制。 7.对游戏开发技术和趋势保持敏感,不断学习和研究新技术

    1.good command of JavaScript and typescript, good command of basic data structures and algorithms. 2.Good command of game architecture construction and technical documentation writing. 3.Responsible for the development and maintenance of Cocos Creator game engine, including game logic, user interface, game functions, etc.; 4. 4.Design and implement the core functions and features of the game to ensure game performance and compatibility and stability. 5.Proficient in cocos creator packaging app and app debugging. 6.Familiar with Cocos Creator development tools and process, and able to expand and customise according to project requirements. 7.Be sensitive to game development technologies and trends, and constantly learn and research new technologies.


    1.至少 3 年以上 Cocos Creator 游戏开发经验,熟悉 Cocos Creator 的开发流程和工具。 2.精通 JavaScript 或 TypeScript 编程语言。 3.具备良好的团队合作能力和沟通能力,能够与其他团队成员协作开发项目。 4.具备良好的问题解决能力和调试技巧,能够快速定位和解决问题。 5.具备良好的学习能力和自我驱动力,能够持续学习和适应新技术。 加分项: 1.熟悉其他游戏引擎,如 Unity 、Unreal Engine 等。 2.具备手机游戏开发经验,了解移动平台的特性和限制。

    1.At least 3 years of Cocos Creator game development experience, familiar with Cocos Creator development process and tools. 2.Proficient in JavaScript or TypeScript programming language. 3.Good teamwork and communication skills, able to collaborate with other team members on development projects. 4.Good problem solving and debugging skills, able to quickly locate and solve problems. 5.Good learning ability and self-driven, able to continuously learn and adapt to new technologies. Extra points: 1.Familiar with other game engines, such as Unity, Unreal Engine, etc. 2.Experience in mobile game development and understanding of mobile platform features and limitations.

    二、高级 u3d 游戏开发工程师( Senior u3d game developer )


    1. 设计和开发高质量的游戏功能和系统,包括游戏逻辑、角色控制、AI 、UI 、网络通信等。

    2. 与游戏设计师、美术和其他开发人员紧密合作,理解和实现游戏需求和功能。

    3. 优化游戏性能和用户体验,包括减少内存占用、优化渲染、减少加载时间等。

    4. 解决复杂的技术问题和挑战,提供高效、可靠的解决方案。

    5. 参与游戏开发流程的各个阶段,包括需求分析、技术评估、开发、测试和发布。

    6. 寻求和研究新的游戏开发技术和工具,保持对行业趋势的了解并应用到项目中。

    7. 带领和指导初级开发人员,提供技术支持和指导。

    8. design and develop high quality game features and systems, including game logic, character control, AI, UI, network communication, etc.

    9. Work closely with game designers, art and other developers to understand and implement game requirements and features.

    10. optimise game performance and user experience, including reducing memory footprint, optimising rendering, reducing load times, etc.

    11. Solve complex technical problems and challenges, providing efficient and reliable solutions.

    12. Participate in all stages of the game development process, including requirements analysis, technical evaluation, development, testing, and release.

    13. Seek out and research new game development technologies and tools, stay abreast of industry trends and apply them to projects.

    14. Lead and mentor junior developers, provide technical support and guidance.


    1. 专科以上学历,四年以上工作经验,计算机专业优先。

    2. 至少 3 年以上的 Unity3D 游戏开发经验,有成功发布的游戏项目经验。

    3. 扎实的编程技能,熟悉 C#和 Unity3D 开发环境。

    4. 深入理解游戏开发流程和常用设计模式,熟悉游戏引擎和工具的使用。

    5. 熟悉基本的数据结构和算法。

    6. 熟悉游戏性能优化和调试技术,有优化大型游戏项目的经验优先。

    7. 良好的团队合作和沟通能力,能够与多个团队成员协作开发。

    8. 具备良好的问题解决能力和分析能力,能够快速定位和解决技术问题。

    9. Specialist degree or above, more than four years working experience, computer science major is preferred.

    10. At least 3 years of Unity3D game development experience, with experience in successfully released game projects.

    11. solid programming skills, familiar with C# and Unity3D development environment.

    12. in-depth understanding of game development process and common design patterns, familiar with the use of game engines and tools.

    13. Familiar with basic data structures and algorithms.

    14. familiar with game performance optimisation and debugging techniques, experience in optimising large-scale game projects is preferred.

    15. good teamwork and communication skills, able to collaborate with multiple team members in development.

    16. good problem solving and analytical skills, able to quickly locate and solve technical problems.

    三、测试工程师( Test engineer )


    1.掌握系统业务,并针对业务需求完成测试设计&测试用例。 2.理解产品需求,挖掘产品内部逻辑,并结合用户使用场景进行测试方案和测试用例的设计、讨论、完善和维护; 3.实施软件测试,完成对产品的测试;发现产品缺陷,提供缺陷调试和跟踪信息,帮助开发人员解决问题并进行验证;

    1.Master the system business, and complete test design & test cases for business requirements. 2.Understand the product requirements, explore the internal logic of the product, and combine with the user use scenario to design, discuss, improve and maintain the test plan and test cases; 3.Implement software testing, complete the testing of the product; find product defects, provide defect debugging and tracking information, help developers to solve problems and verify;


    1.计算机/数学相关专业者优先,英语口语流利者优先; 2.熟悉测试与开发模式、熟悉测试流程(需求分析、需求评审、测试计划、测试方案、设计测试用例、执行测试用例、提交缺陷报告单、测试日报和测试报告总结)、测试方法; 2.熟悉接口测试原理,熟练使用接口测试工具 Postman 及 bug 管理工具( jira 、禅道); 3.熟悉 Jmeter 接口测试、并发、和分布式压测; 4.熟悉 fiddler 抓包工具、修改请求传参、设置代理抓取移动端接口,分析定位 bug ; 5.熟练掌握常用数据库操作,增删改查,联合查询,分组求和等;

    1.Computer/Mathematics related majors are preferred, fluent in spoken English is preferred; 2.Familiar with testing and development model, familiar with the testing process (requirements analysis, requirements review, test plan, test plan, design test cases, execution of test cases, submit defect report form, test daily report and test report summary), testing methods; 2.Familiar with the principles of interface testing, skilled use of interface testing tools Postman and bug management tools (jira, Zendo); 3.Familiar with Jmeter interface testing, concurrency, and distributed pressure testing; 4.Familiar with fiddler packet capture tool, modify the request to pass parameters, set the proxy to capture the mobile interface, analyse and locate bugs; 5.proficiency in common database operations, add, delete, change, joint query, grouping and summing;



    1 、负责后端开发任务,包括但不限于 C++、Go 、Java 、Python 等; 2 、负责后端架构设计,开发实现,维护优化等; 3 、积极学习新技术,分享经验和技术; 4 、与产品经理、设计师、前端开发人员等合作,完成项目的开发工作。

    1 、Responsible for back-end development tasks, including but not limited to C++, Go, Java, Python and so on; 2 、Responsible for back-end architecture design, development and implementation, maintenance and optimisation; 3 、Actively learn new technologies, share experience and technology; 4 、Cooperate with product managers, designers, front-end developers, etc. to complete the development of the project.


    1 本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,至少 5 年及以上项目开发经验,扎实的技术理论基础等; 2 有独立负责较大型系统或模块设计经验,并能推动设计落地上线; 3 精通 C++、GO 、JAVA 中的至少一种,熟悉 python 、ruby 等脚本语言优先;熟练使用 redis/ssdb/rocketmq/rsyslog-kafaka 并熟悉其原理者优先; 4 熟练使用 MySQL 数据库,熟悉网络和关系型数据库的应用与优化; 5 有游戏研发与有相关开发实践优先; 6 熟悉 linux 操作系统,熟练掌握常用的开发、部署和维护命令

    1 Bachelor's degree or above, majoring in computer related majors, at least 5 years and above project development experience, solid technical theory foundation, etc; 2 Experience in independently responsible for the design of larger systems or modules, and able to drive the design to go live; 3 Proficient in at least one of C++, GO, JAVA, familiar with python, ruby and other scripting languages is preferred; proficient in redis/ssdb/rocketmq/rsyslog-kafaka and familiar with its principles is preferred; 4 Skilled in the use of MySQL database, familiar with the network and relational database application and optimisation; 5 Have game development and have related development practice is preferred; 6 familiar with linux operating system, proficient in common development, deployment and maintenance commands.

    五、前端开发( Front end developer )


    1.大专以上学历,有 3~5 年前端开发经验,熟悉 web 应用开发和交互原理,了解主流框架(vue 等); 2.熟练使用至少一种以上编程语言(js,css),精通 html 与 javascript 语法,具有良好的编码习惯和代码风格 3.具有扎实的前端基础,能够独立完成页面设计与实现,熟练掌握常见的前后端交互方式,熟练运用 git 进行版本控制 4.有良好的沟通能力,良好的团队协作能力,积极主动,能承担工作压力 5.具备较强的学习能力,能保持对业界技术动态的关注,具备对新技术进行分析的能力等。

    1.college degree or above, 3~5 years front-end development experience, familiar with web application development and interaction principles, understand the mainstream framework (vue, etc.); 2.Proficient in at least one programming language (js, css), proficient in html and javascript syntax, with good coding habits and code style. 3.Have a solid foundation in front-end, able to independently complete the page design and implementation, proficient in common front-end and back-end interaction, skilled use of git for version control. 4.Good communication skills, good teamwork ability, proactive, able to work under pressure. 5.Strong learning ability, can keep the attention to the industry technology trends, with the ability to analyse new technologies.


    1 、负责各产品线 PC 、H5 项目开发和维护; 2 、负责各产品线管理后台项目开发和维护; 3 、与上下游沟通合作,提升产品质量与用户体验; 4 、具备良好的沟通能力,有强烈的团队意识和执行力。

    1 、Responsible for the development and maintenance of PC and H5 projects for each product line; 2 、Responsible for the management background project development and maintenance of each product line; 3 、Communicate and cooperate with upstream and downstream to improve product quality and user experience; 4 、Have good communication skills, strong team spirit and execution.

    9 条回复    2024-01-08 15:38:38 +08:00
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