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A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.

  •   mrgirff · 132 天前 · 852 次点击
    这是一个创建于 132 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    This resource list introduces libraries and components related to shadcn/ui. These libraries and components provide pre-built and customizable UI components for projects such as React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, etc. The following is a summary of the main contents of the list:

    Note Contents

    Awesome shadcn-ui GitHub Repository

    Libs and Components

    • shadcn-blocks: Blocks is the official shadcn/ui pre-made but customizable components that can be copied and pasted into your projects.
    • shadcn-extension: An open-source component collection that extends your UI library, built using shadcn/ui components.
    • shadcn-ui-expansions: A lot of useful components which shadcn/ui does not have out of the box.
    • shadcn-extends: Intended to be a collection of components built using shadcn/ui.
    • shadcn-table-v2: shadcn/ui table component with server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination.
    • shadcn-phone-input: Customizable phone input component with proper validation for any country.
    • shadcn-phone-input-2: Simple and formatted phone input component built with shadcn/ui and libphonenumber-js.
    • phone-input-shadcn-ui: Custom phone number component built with shadcn/ui.
    • password-input: shadcn/ui custom password input.
    • react-dnd-kit-tailwind-shadcn-ui: Drag and drop accessible kanban board implementing using React, dnd-kit, tailwind, and shadcn/ui.
    • nextjs-dnd: Sortable Drag and Drop with Next.js, shadcn/ui, and dnd-kit.
    • fancy-multi-select: The Multi Select Component is inspired by campsite.design's and cal.com's settings forms.
    • auto-form: A React component that automatically creates a shadcn/ui form based on a zod schema.
    • date-range-picker-for-shadcn: Includes multi-month views, text entry, preset ranges, responsive design, and date range comparisons.
    • emblor: A highly customizable, accessible, and fully-featured tag input component built with shadcn/ui.
    • enhanced-button: An enhanced version of the default shadcn-button component.
    • time-picker: A simple TimePicker for your shadcn/ui project.
    • shadcn-chat: Customizable and reusable chat component for you to use in your projects.
    • nextjs-components: A collection of Next.js components built with TypeScript, React, shadcn/ui, Craft UI, and Tailwind CSS.
    • credenza: Ready-made responsive modal component for shadcn/ui.
    • country-state-dropdown: This Component is built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui & Zustand for state management.
    • shadcn-drag-table: A drag-and-drop table component using shadcn/ui and Next.js.
    • file-vault: File upload component for React.
    • file-uploader: A file uploader built with shadcn/ui and react-dropzone.
    • plate: The rich-text editor for React.
    • autocomplete-select-shadcn-ui: Autocomplete component built with shadcn/ui and Fancy Multi Select by Maximilian Kaske.
    • shadcn-data-table-advanced-col-opions: Column-resizing option to shadcn/ui DataTable.
    • pricing-page-shadcn: Pricing Page made with shadcn/ui & Next.js 14. Completely customizable
    • neobrutalism-components: Collection of neobrutalism-styled Tailwind React and Shadcn UI components.
    • shadcn-stepper: A complete stepper component built with shadcn/ui
    • shadcn-linear-combobox: A copy of the combobox that Linear uses to set the priority of a task.
    • magicui: React components to build beautiful landing pages using tailwindcss + framer motion + shadcn/ui
    • aceternityui: Copy paste the most trending react components without having to worry about styling and animations.
    • cult-ui: A well-curated set of animated shadcn-style React components for more specific use-cases.
    • planner: Planner is a highly adaptable scheduling component tailored for React applications.
    • shadcn-cal: A copy of the monthly calendar used by Cal.com with shadcn/ui, Radix Colors and React Aria.
    • shadcn-ui-sidebar: A stunning, functional and responsive retractable sidebar built on top of shadcn/ui.
    • capture-photo: Capture-Photo is a versatile, browser-based React component designed to streamline the integration of camera functionalities directly into your web applications.
    • search-address: The SearchAddress component provides a flexible and interactive search interface for addresses, utilizing the powerful Nominatim service from OpenStreetMap.
    • sortable: A sortable component built with shadcn/ui, radix ui, and dnd-kit.
    • uixmat/onborda: Give your application the onboarding it deserves with Onborda product tour for Next.js
    • shadcn-multi-select-component: A multi-select component designed with shadcn/ui
    • echo-editor: A modern WYSIWYG rich-text editor based on tiptap and shadcn/ui
    • clerk-shadcn-theme: Easily synchronize your Clerk <SignIn /> and <SignUp /> components with your shadcn/ui styles
    • clerk-elements: Composable components that can be used to build custom UIs on top of Clerk's APIs


    • shadcn-ui: Add components from shadcn/ui directly from VS Code.


    • vscode-shadcn-svelte: VS Code extension for shadcn/ui components in Svelte projects.
    • vscode-shadcn-vue: Extension for integrating shadcn/ui components into Vue.js projects.
    • shadcn/ui Components Manager: A plugin for Jetbrain products. It allows you to manage your shadcn/ui components across Svelte, React, Vue, and Solid frameworks with this plugin. Simplify tasks like adding, removing, and updating components.
    • raycast-shadcn: Raycast extension to browse shadcn/ui documentation, components, and examples.
    • vscode-shadcn-ui-snippets: Easily import and use shadcn-ui components with ease using snippets within VSCode. Just type cn or shadcn in your jsx/tsx file and you will get a list of all the components to choose from.

    Colors and Customizations

    • zippy starter's shadcn/ui theme generator: Easily create custom themes from a single color that you can copy and paste into your apps.
    • 10000+Themes for shadcn/ui: 10000+ Themes for shadcn/ui.
    • ui-colorgen: An application designed to assist you with color configuration of shadcn/ui.
    • gradient-picker: Fancy Gradient Picker built with Shadcn UI, Radix UI, and Tailwind CSS.
    • shadcn-ui-customizer: POC - shadcn/ui themes with color pickers.
    • navnote/rangeen: Tool that helps you to create a color palette for your website.
    • dizzy: Bootstrap a new Next or Vite project with shadcn/ui. Customize font, icons, colors, spacing, radii, and shadows.


    • magicui.design: Largest collection of open-source react components to build beautiful landing pages.
    • motionvariants: Beautiful Framer Motion animations.


    • v0: Vercel's generative UI system, built on shadcn/ui and TailwindCSS, allows effortless UI generation from text prompts and/or images. It produces React and HTML code, integration is also possible via v0 CLI command.
    • shadcn-pricing-page-generator: The easiest way to get a React pricing page with shadcn/ui, Radix UI and/or Tailwind CSS.
    • invoify: An invoice generator app built using Next.js, Typescript, and shadcn/ui.
    • pastecode: Pastebin alternative built with Typescript, Next.js, Drizzle, Shadcn, RSC.

    Boilerplates / Templates

    • taxonomy: An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js.
    • shadcn-landing-page: Landing page template using shadcn/ui, React, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.
    • shadcn-vue-landing-page: Landing page template using Vue, shadcn-vue, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS.
    • shadcn-landing-page: Project conversion shadcn-vue-landing-page to nextjs - Landing page template using Nestjs, shadcn/ui, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS.
    • turborepo-shadcn-ui-tailwindcss: Turborepo starter with shadcn/ui & Tailwind CSS pre-configured for shared UI components.
    • design-system-template: Turborepo + TailwindCSS + Storybook + shadcn/ui.
    • next-shadcn-dashboard-starter: Admin Dashboard Starter with Next.js 14 and shadcn/ui.
    • chadnext: Quick Starter Template includes Next.js 14 App router, shadcn/ui, LuciaAuth, Prisma, Server Actions, Stripe, Internationalization and more.
    • nextjs-mdx-blog: Starter template built with Contentlayer, MDX, shadcn/ui, and Tailwind CSS.
    • t3-app-template: This is the admin template for T3 Stack and shadcn/ui Awesome shadcn-ui GitHub Repository
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