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[全职远程技术岗直聘🌍| WOO: DeFi/CeFi/交易所] 本月更新: JavaBE /TechSupport /FE web and mobile/QA/RiskAnalyst/QuantTrader

  •   amberGuo · 28 天前 · 1634 次点击
    本帖是企业直聘,我是 WOO 的 HR Amber 。
    简历投递到: [email protected] 请写明职位和联系方式
    欢迎推荐,推荐成功入职奖励 2000U

    留言或投递简历(留言请看一下职位 JD 和您之前的行业是否和 [二、硬件条件] 符合,请留言时简单说明。) 2-3 个工作日都会回复,如果通过技术部门简历筛选,我会联系您先进行线上测试,然后进行 2-3 轮线上面试。

    以下按招聘岗位及薪资范围、硬件条件要求、工作形式、公司介绍、各岗位 JD ,一一说明。

    一、本月更新 HC:
    1 、Backend Java Engineer (月薪范围 RMB30-55k )
    2 、Tech Support 技术支持工程师(全球应用)(月薪范围 RMB25-45k )
    3 、Flutter Mobile Engineer (月薪范围 RMB25-50k )
    4 、Senior Frontend Engineer (月薪范围 RMB25-50k )
    5 、QA Engineer (月薪范围 RMB25-45k )
    6 、Risk Analyst (月薪范围 RMB30-50k )
    7 、Quant Trader (月薪范围 RMB30-50k )
    公司有成熟且有激励性的薪酬评定体系,以及有竞争力的薪资及奖金 。
    📍官方网站: https://woo.org/
    公司招聘页面: https://boards.greenhouse.io/woo
    招聘页面开放的职位均接受简历投递: [email protected]

    1 、英文水平需要熟练掌握读写,工作中可以输出文档和日常工作沟通
    2 、本科及以上学历,5 年以上工作经验,需金融交易产品、交易所、或大厂(腾讯、字节、美团、阿里、华为)同岗位 2 年以上工作经验++



    WOO operates a centralised exchange WOO X and a decentralised platform WOOFi, democratising access to top-tier liquidity and exceptional trading execution while keeping costs competitive. Our native token, $WOO offers token holders a unique position to participate, engage, and maximise the benefits of both the DeFi and CeFi ecosystem. Our team of highly-selected 170 employees is located in 12 cities worldwide 🚀

    (二)各岗位 JD
    1 、Backend Java Engineer



    实现基于 RestFul 和 WebSocket 的 API 接口,供客户接入订阅行情和执行交易

    建立稳健高效和高并发的交易系统,保证交易系统 7x24 小时不间断运作




    本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,加分项:重点大学( 985211 )


    具有 3 年或以上相关工作经验, 曾经参与设计或开发大流量、高并发、高性能的分布式系统

    熟悉基本的数据结构、算法、设计模式,熟悉 Java 网络编程、多线程编程,对 JVM 原理有扎实的理解

    熟悉 Java Web 及微服务开发,熟悉 SpringBoot 、Spring Cloud ,MyBatis 等框架

    精通缓存、消息队列、搜索等工具,如:Redis 、Kafka 、Elasticsearch

    熟悉 Linux 操作系统,能够编写脚本及配置相应 Java 运营环境




    2 、技术支持工程师(全球应用)

    你将从事什么工作? 作为技术支持团队,你们将作为二级支持-就需要技术知识的问题/查询向客户(toB 和 toC)或客户服务团队提供及时和准确的反馈。调查客户提出的技术问题,通过查看日志进行分析,为处理问题提供适当的建议,并生成问题报告。更重要的是,如果存在服务事件,您将负责对问题的紧急程度进行分类,并将其升级到需要参与的团队。

    作为客户和内部团队之间的桥梁,您还将为客户服务团队提供教育或支持,以改进对客户的响应,记录已知技术问题的解决方案。定义产品变更的文档流程框架。另一方面,你也将把客户的声音带到内部,收集问题的上下文信息,在 Jira 中记录这些信息,并将其提交给开发团队进行进一步分析或修复错误。


    WOO Network 的团队由营销和通信专家、产品经理、数据分析师、开发人员和其他行业专家组成。我们培养人才的基础是创新、诚信、团队合作、开放和勇气等重要品质。


    作为一名支持工程师,沟通和协作在你的日常工作中占据了很大的比例。WOO 使用多种渠道进行内部和外部通信,包括 JIRA 、Zendesk 和 Telegram 。

    除了文档工作之外,开发能力也是基本要求,您需要指导我们的客户使用我们的 API 实现他们的交易程序,最低要求是掌握至少一种编程语言(c++,Java, Python, JavaScript 等),并熟悉 RESTful 和 Websocket 协议。

    用于监控和故障排除工具,包括但不限于 Linux Shell Script, SQL, ELK (Kibana)和 Grafana ,我们鼓励您为内部和外部客户提供更多支持工具。


    3 、Flutter Mobile Engineer
    What you’ll be working on:

    Implementation of product roadmap for iOS and Android application.

    Build, deploy and test applications and release them to the Google Play Store.

    Maintaining existing application for possible fixes & performance improvements.

    Coordinating with the Cloud/Mobile/Embedded/Design teams in solving problems, creating ideas, and improving UX.

    Writing readable & reusable code while fulfilling expected documentation standards & coverage.

    Developing a "bullet-proof Software Development Kit" with the rest of the team for the different platforms.

    Why work with us:

    Join us in realising our vision in advancing decentralisation, and leading innovation in CeFi and DeFi. Enjoy work flexibility, a supportive team, and an environment that nurtures your ideas. Plus, expect a performance-based annual bonus for all contributors at WOO 💪

    About you:

    More than 1 year of Flutter development experience.

    Proficient in using various components of Flutter, such as: basic components, layout components, container components, scrollable components, functional components. Proficient in using Flutter's state management, global state management, and routing management.

    Familiar with Flutter's gestures, animations, WebSockets, internationalization.

    Familiar with Flutter's CustomPaint and Canvas.

    Familiar with Flutter's package management, as well as the App Store and Play Store publishing process.

    Solid understanding of Dart language.

    Have own understanding of page rendering performance optimization under high frequency data refresh.

    Experience with complete Flutter projects is preferred.

    4 、Senior Frontend Engineer
    What you’ll be working on:

    Developing WOO X web products that support digital asset trading.
    Participating in building up innovative tools to enrich the ecosystem of our products.
    Optimising the process of development, performance and user experience continuously.
    Why work with us:

    Join us in realising our vision in advancing decentralisation, and leading innovation in CeFi and DeFi. Enjoy work flexibility, a supportive team, and an environment that nurtures your ideas. Plus, expect a performance-based annual bonus for all contributors at WOO 💪

    About you:

    Minimum of 3 years of frontend development experience and familiarity with React.js.
    Proficient in JavaScript, CSS, HTML and ES6.
    Familiar with real-time data processing methods, such as Websocket and RxJs, and able to detect potential performance issues.
    Knowledge of blockchain/crypto service or expertise in the online blockchain/crypto industry is a BIG plus.
    You enjoy breaking things and solving problems - not just being able to find out the 'what', but also the 'why'.
    Excellent troubleshooting, listening and problem-solving skills with the ability to set project expectations and meet deadlines.
    Ability to work in a fast-paced, multi-task environment.

    5 、QA Engineer
    需要掌握 python 和 js 两个语言
    WOO Team is looking for a QA Automation Engineer.
    Our stack: Javascript, Cypress, Performance, Python, Selenium.

    What will you be working on?

    Plan and improve the test automation strategy.
    Perform Mobile Apps and Web automated testing and write automated test cases/tools.
    Design and develop test automation infrastructure and framework.
    Analyze product requirements, create test plans, and identify deliverables.
    Research and develop test tools, design and modify test frameworks.
    Constantly look to improve quality across the development lifecycle.
    Who will you be working with?

    Work with development and test engineers.
    What skills will you need?

    Knowledge of blockchain/crypto service or expertise in the online blockchain/crypto industry is a BIG plus.
    Enjoys breaking things and solving problems - not just able to find out the 'what', but also the 'why'.
    Excellent troubleshooting, listening and problem-solving skills with the ability to set project expectations and meet deadlines.
    Ability to work in a fast-paced, multi-task environment.
    What tech knowledge will you need?

    Experience in the development of automated test solutions in Javascript and Python.
    Experience with programming and automation tools/framework like Cypress, Selenium, Appium.
    Experience with web front-end performance testing.
    Experience with mobility performance testing is a plus.
    Experience in enterprise application software development and testing models using agile development methodologies like SCRUM.
    Experience with Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), such as Jenkins, Drone, or Gitlab CI.
    Skilled in software testing (web, mobile, app, api) or service releasing.

    6 、Risk Analyst
    What you’ll be working on:

    Develop and maintain an internal financial reporting system
    Connect crypto exchange APIs for risk monitoring and financial reporting
    Reconcile books and trading records
    Analyze capital usage and attribute the cost of capital
    Assisting in the execution of the day-to-day workflow, tracking/monitoring of all fund financial reporting
    Support ad hoc requests from the management team, internal support teams and external regulatory authorities
    Why work with us:

    Join us in realising our vision in advancing decentralisation, and leading innovation in CeFi and DeFi. Enjoy work flexibility, a supportive team, and an environment that nurtures your ideas. Plus, expect a performance-based annual bonus for all contributors at WOO 💪

    About you:

    Python and SQL are must-have skills.
    Strong analytical skills including ability to swiftly identify issues, deliver appropriate challenges and recommend fit for purpose solutions.
    A bachelor or masters degree in Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, Science is preferred
    Able to build effective working relationships with internal stakeholders.

    7 、Quant Trader
    What you’ll be working on:

    Analyze on-chain data to study market trends, capital flows, and trading patterns
    Develop and execute trading strategies for on-chain or centralized exchanges, including but not limited to market-making, arbitrage, and CTA strategies
    Monitor and optimize existing trading strategies to ensure their effectiveness under varying market conditions
    Collaborate with the development team to improve and customize trading systems for strategy implementation
    Stay updated on industry trends and on-chain technological advancements, continually refining trading strategies
    Why work with us?

    Join us in realising our vision in advancing decentralisation, and leading innovation in CeFi and DeFi. Enjoy work flexibility, a supportive team, and an environment that nurtures your ideas. Plus, expect a performance-based annual bonus for all contributors at WOO 💪

    About you:

    Bachelor's degree or higher in Finance, Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field
    3+ years of experience in crypto quantitative trading, on-chain investment, quantitative research, or data analysis
    Strong data analysis skills and independent coding abilities; proficiency in Python, R, or other programming languages
    Familiarity with blockchain technology and ecosystems, with a solid understanding of common on-chain protocols and smart contracts, and the ability to analyze on-chain data and apply it to trading strategies
    Experience with high-frequency trading, arbitrage, or liquidity mining strategies; experience in DeFi protocols and NFT market analysis is preferred
    Strong teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills
    1 条回复    2024-09-18 20:19:46 +08:00
       28 天前
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