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RubyConfChina 2013 白金赞助商 Groupon 招聘 Senior Ruby Developer

  •   grouponhr · 2014-07-01 16:44:26 +08:00 · 3299 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3765 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    We are looking for accomplished backend engineers with passion for building large-scale systems that power the next generation of local-commerce.


    As an engineer on the Breadcrumb by Groupon team, you will be working on a fast-paced startup-like team with fellow entrepreneurial developers who know how to ship. We are a continuous deployment shop, the code you land today will be in production tomorrow, and we have built an agile culture of testing and code-review to make that possible... even for highly-available, mission critical systems like payment processing.
    You'll be working on systems that move around millions of dollars, and power tens of thousands of local merchants. The next time you eat lunch at a restaurant, or shop at a local store, your swipe could be travelling over the pipes that you built.

    Key Responsibilities

    Translation of complex functional and technical requirements into detailed architecture and design.
    Responsible for the overall systems architecture, scalability, reliability, and performance.
    Developing and delivering quality services on-time and on-budget. Solutions developed by the team may use Ruby/JRuby, Rails, Java, MySQL, Redis, Resque and other web technologies.
    Maintaining current technical knowledge to support rapidly changing technology.
    Candidate must be able to work with a minimum of technical supervision and supplemental engineering support

    Basic Qualifications

    3+ years experience in software development
    Experience building large scale, highly distributed mission critical services
    Proficiency in one major object oriented programming language (Java, C++, Ruby, etc)
    Experience and thorough understanding of relational databases such as MySQL and/or Oracle
    Proven track record on delivering results, especially in the area of writing high-performance, reliable and maintainable code.
    Ability to work well in a team environment and be able to effectively drive cross-team solutions that have complex dependencies and requirements.
    Proficiency with *NIX development environments
    Excellent verbal and written communication skills
    BS or MS in computer science or equivalent experience

    Preferred Qualifications

    Experience in Ruby on Rails
    Experience in JRuby
    Experience working with payments processing systems

    More about us

    Breadcrumb by Groupon is a suite of powerful, cloud-based iPad and smartphone tools that help businesses operate faster, know their customers better and maximize revenue. Our products include flexible, affordable iPad point-of-sale products and payments solutions for all businesses
    Breadcrumb is a combined effort from several startups that joined Groupon last year. Our leaders are entrepreneurs, sharply focused on revolutionizing today’s businesses. We’re growing fast and always look for individuals, who want to get in on the ground floor, build great things and delight our users!


    Compatible salary, over 15k/month
    Flexible work time
    Opportunity training in San Francisco
    Opportunity get L1 VISA

    Email: [email protected]
    3 条回复    2014-07-08 10:44:39 +08:00
       2014-07-01 17:49:16 +08:00
       2014-07-08 10:43:12 +08:00
       2014-07-08 10:44:39 +08:00
    @tankerwng 不用担心钱的问题,这都是可以跟boss谈的,只要能力过硬,待遇绝对比国内的要好,而且不加班(利益相关:groupon远程工作员工)
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