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免费 Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac

  •   rannnn · 2016-09-12 21:23:50 +08:00 · 3678 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2962 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    来源 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/265651

    To get your free copy of Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac (Not For Resale): simply scroll down the page until you see "Step 2: Pass the knowledge check" and choose the following answers.

    All of these True Programs, files, media, and user settings such as browser favorites All of the above Now scroll further down a little and fill in the form, for the part that says Company just write Student, and below "Store Number or Store Name" just select Creative.

    Once you have done that, click on the big green Sign Up Now button. On the final page it says it can take up to 10 days to receive the serial, but I received mine 4 days after submitting the form :)

    不过 server 好像已经挂了 :(

    1 条回复    2016-09-12 23:10:26 +08:00
       2016-09-12 23:10:26 +08:00

    Congratulations! You did it! See how easy that was?

    You will receive an email with a link to download your Not-For-Resale copy of Parallels Desktop® 12 for Mac in the next couple of days. Enjoy the fastest, smartest and most powerful way to run Windows applications side-by-side to Mac applications!

    Please allow 10 business days to process.
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