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之前撸了一个 cloudatcost 的 onetime Developer CloudPRO

  •   cszhiyue · 2017-06-24 11:59:17 +08:00 · 1813 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2683 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    点进去一看 Your Configuration $9.00 Main Package Yearly Maintenance Fee for onetime Developer CloudPRO.

    Flat Rate of $9/year per customer.

    No resource limit.

    This Maintenance fee will ensure proper hardware upgrades and maintenance to reduce degradation of onetime payment Developer CloudPRO services.

    Additional Details:

    As you may already know, CloudatCost has updated their Terms of Service.

    Within this update, there has been an amendment to section 9, Account information,billing and payment.

    The amendment is as follows:

    9.18 Customers with a onetime payment service are subject to an annual maintenance fee of $9 which will be invoiced 12 months after using our service. This does not apply to users that have a monthly paid service. This Maintenance fee will ensure proper hardware upgrades and maintenance to reduce degradation of onetime payment services.

    Below are some common questions that we have been receiving about this update.

    Q: Why am I being charged this yearly fee, my packages all say one time?

    A: This fee is not the same as your package setup fee, which is why it is not affected by the number of packages that you have purchased. This is a maintenance fee, that will go towards hardware replacement, as well as assist with the purchase of new hardware, which will improve performance and reliability.

    Q: What benefit do I have as a customer of having this fee in place?

    A: The revenue generated from this fee will be going towards hardware replacement, as well as additional hardware to expand our infrastructure. The largest benefit will be seen by customers with multiple packages. For a small fee from their investment of CloudatCost resources, they will see an improvement in system performance and reliability. Customers with only a single Developer CloudPRO1, may view the cost to benefit ratio as unprofitable, but the same benefits will be seen among all accounts regardless of size.

    Q: Is this fee per account, per package, or per running instance?

    A: This fee is issued once per account, per year, that have active one time Developer services. This feel is not applied to CloudStorage, or cPanel one time payment packages. It is only going to be applied to services available through panel.cloudatcost.com (Developer, Developer CloudPRO, BigDog, etc)

    Q: What happens if I do not agree to the Terms or Service

    A: If you do not agree, you will not be permitted to use services available at panel.cloudatcost.com. Agreeing the the Terms of Service is required to use our services.

    Q: What if I found a way to use my services without agreeing to the Terms of Service, can you still legally charge me?

    A: Yes, circumventing intended use is a violation of our Terms of Service, and is grounds for termination. However, our Terms of Services also state, "EACH TIME THE CUSTOMER USES THIS SITE OR THE SERVICES, THE CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE".

    Q: If I don't agree to the Terms of Service, will my packages eventually be cancelled?

    A: No, not agreeing to the Terms of Service, will not cancel your packages. However you will not be able to use the services until you do agree. When you agree, all of the services that you have paid for, will be available for your use.

    Q: What if I agree to the Terms of Service, but don't pay the fee when it is issued?

    A: If you do not pay the yearly fee, your services will eventually go into a suspended state and access will be disabled. Paying the fee will put your account back into an active state, where you will be able to use your services again.

    我倒是觉得这应该是必然的。 不过这很套路啊。我们收的不是服务器的费用,我收的维护费。我也只撸了一个最便宜的只是出于好玩,然后这服务经常不可用

    6 条回复    2018-05-29 19:08:56 +08:00
       2017-06-24 12:03:34 +08:00 via iPhone

       2017-06-24 12:12:13 +08:00
    @SharkIng #1 不打算付了。 这服务非常不稳定。买的时候已经做好它跑路的准备了。。应该是没钱了它
       2017-06-24 12:41:56 +08:00 via Android
    去年买的,直到今年上半年 3 月稍微比较稳定了,之前一直有问题
       2017-06-24 12:42:20 +08:00 via Android
       2017-06-24 23:45:22 +08:00 via iPhone
    @cszhiyue 恩 让人很不爽
       2018-05-29 19:08:56 +08:00
    差点准备买的,还好看到这个消息,所谓的 one time 的真相
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