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V2EX  ›  酷工作

语音行业巨头 Nuance 北京诚招 ASR 研发软件工程师~

  •   tiantianjin · 2017-08-25 17:18:14 +08:00 · 1534 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2615 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    The Research Engineer will work in China R&D team contributing to the development of Dragon Drive development, speech solution innovation and leading customer project delivery, etc.
    Representative tasks will include:
    • Develop algorithms to process Chinese text, word segmentation, pronunciation generation, etc.
    • Research and develop speech solutions for various speech recognition tasks.
    • Develop tools and test grammars for various applications.
    • Develop demos and products on various HW/SW platforms like android, Linux, QNX devices.
    • Development and maintenance of speech applications for key customers.
    Required Skills:
    • Strong algorithmic and software skills.
    • Accomplished coder – can realize research ideas effectively.
    • Experience running accuracy experiments and systematically improving performance.
    • C/C++ programming skills, script programming (Python, Perl)
    • Native speaker of Chinese.
    • Fluent English communication, good communication skills.
    • Team work spirit
    • Innovation spirit, product mind to implement new ideas and new applications
    • M.S. in computer science, computational linguistics, EE, math or related field.

    简历投递: [email protected] 或者领英联系: Nuance Jin Tiantian
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