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CoffeLake X Hackintosh ——英特尔八代平台踩坑

  •   Rorysky · 2018-02-01 15:54:16 +08:00 · 3381 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2454 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Update:tonymacx86 更新了 8 代平台选购指南,我配的时候还没有…… https://www.tonymacx86.com/buyer ... ee-lake-300-series/

    前言:八代硬件还没有正式被苹果支持,所以会有一些坑,下面简单记录了我的安装步骤和遇到的一些坑(主要在 Multibeast 环节以及英伟达的显卡驱动上);
    现在黑苹果不像以前了,很多论坛有打包好的命令和工具,如 tonymacx86 就提供了从安装到后续处理非常完善的工具链,下面的安装纪要主要参考了 tonymacx86 的指南和其论坛中的帖子。

    概述下我的硬件:intel i5-8400 + 8g x4 ddr4 + Asrock Z370 Killer SLI/ac + Nvidia 1070 ti (由于主板自带的 intel 无线网卡不能被 mac os 支持,重新购入了原生适配 mac os 的网卡( BCM943602CS );如果使用 amd 被苹果原生支持的显卡,将会有更好的兼容性。

    整体只打了必要的内核扩展( FakeSMC、声卡相关等),类似平台参考下述步骤,应该能在半天内 下载、安装、调试完成。
    注:下述某些项应根据具体的平台变通选择(如 我的板载声卡为 ALC892 所以在 MultiBeast 中选择的 ALC892 )

    1. Get the Pure version of newest Mac OSX

    1.1 install vmware 12 + unlocker + mac os 10.12 cdr (older version);

    1.2 install mac os previous version;

    1.3 downlaod newest mac os in App Store of vmware virtulized Mac OSX;

    2. Make a USB installer of Mac OSX

    2.1 Downlaod Unibeat( https://www.tonymacx86.com/resources/unibeast-8-1-0.353/)

    2.2 Create a bootable usb installer & downlaod MultiBeast( https://www.tonymacx86.com/resources/multibeast-high-sierra-10-2-0.360/) & copy Multibeast to USB installer;

    3. Installtion of Mac OSX

    3.1 Follow the guidlines ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/unibeast-install-macos-high-sierra-on-any-supported-intel-based-pc.235474/) to setup BIOS of your PC;

    3.2 Install the High Sierra in your PC;

    4. Post tweaks

    4.1 Update the Clover to the newest verson ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot/)

    4.2 Run Multibeast from USB installer, for Z370 motherboard, Configuration as follows:

    Quick Start > Clover UEFI Boot Mode
    Drivers > Audio > Realtek ALCxxx > ALC892
    Drivers > Audio > Realtek ALCxxx > 100 / 200 / 300 Series Audio Support
    Drivers > Disk > Intel Generic AHCI SATA
    Drivers > Misc > FakeSMC
    Drivers > Misc > FakeSMC Plugins
    Drivers > Misc > FakeSMC HWMonitor Application
    Drivers > USB > Increase Max Port Limit 200 Series
    Bootloaders > Clover UEFI Boot Mode + Emulated NVRAM
    Customize > System Definitions > iMac > iMac 18,2
    Drivers > Graphics > NVIDIA Web Drivers Boot Flag

    4.3 install Nvidia web driver (156 version is buggy, install the 106 or 104 version ) & switch to web driver, restart;

    4.4 Generate the Proper DSDT for 8th CPU, follow this ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/guide-generate-ssdt-for-coffee-lake-cpu.238311/)

    4.4 Other optimization:
    Refer to the post ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/lepus48s-asus-strix-z370-f-with-i7-8700k-rx-570-2x-4k-monitors.240736/)

    5. Enable Hidpi for external monitor,refer ( https://bbs.feng.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11104214)

    6. tips:

    6.1 the HDMI audio is not supported directly, refer ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/applehda-hdmi-audio-guide.234735/)

    6.2 the Nvidia card is not supported natively, the Web Driver might be buggy (the os animation is laggy),refer ( https://hiraku.tw/2018/01/4717/) to downgrade the driver version;

    6.3 Choose Clover UEFI Boot Mode + Emulated NVRAM in MultiBeast, Otherwise the Nvidia Web Driver wouldn't be swithched to.

    6.4 set the mac os partition the first boot device, if dualboot or multiboot with linux or windows, search "Clover dualboot triple boot linux or windows";

    7. Other Useful basic skills:

    7.1 Mount EFI partition on Mac OSX ( http://blog.csdn.net/skykingf/article/details/13020025)
    7.2 Install Other kernel extensions ( kext ) which not include in Multibeast by using kextbeast ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/resources/kextbeast-2-0-1.310/) or manual way ( https://www.maketecheasier.com/add-remove-kexts-from-macos/)

    8. Other links might be useful

    5 条回复    2018-10-15 00:32:39 +08:00
       2018-02-01 16:06:33 +08:00 via iPhone
    SSDT 做了吗
    CPU 现在能有几挡变频
    imassage facetime 的白果三码弄了没
    显卡 HDMI 音频好使不
       2018-02-01 16:18:47 +08:00
    @liuxl8964 ssdt 如主贴;可以睿频;睡眠正常; imassage facetime 没弄,也可以配置; hdmi 音频输出需要 patch,如主贴。
       2018-02-02 09:31:26 +08:00 via iPhone
       2018-02-25 22:30:47 +08:00
    Update2:更新了一些其他问题及解决方法如蓝牙睡眠等,添加了使用的优秀 APP

    Update:tonymac 更新了 8 代平台选购指南,我配的时候还没有…… https://www.tonymacx86.com/buyer ... ee-lake-300-series/
    前言:八代硬件还没有正式被苹果支持,所以会有一些坑,下面简单记录了我的安装步骤和遇到的一些坑(主要在 Multibeast 环节以及英伟达的显卡驱动上);
    现在黑苹果不像以前了,很多论坛有打包好的命令和工具,如 tonymacx86 就提供了从安装到后续处理非常完善的工具链,下面的安装纪要主要参考了 tonymacx86 的指南和其论坛中的帖子。

    概述下我的硬件:intel i5-8400 + 8g x4 ddr4 + Asrock Z370 Killer SLI/ac + Nvidia 1070 ti (由于主板自带的 intel 无线网卡不能被 mac os 支持,重新购入了原生适配 mac os 的网卡( BCM943602CS );如果使用 amd 被苹果原生支持的显卡,将会有更好的兼容性。

    整体只打了必要的内核扩展( FakeSMC、声卡相关等),类似平台参考下述步骤,应该能在半天内 下载、安装、调试完成。
    注:下述某些项应根据具体的平台变通选择(如 我的板载声卡为 ALC892 所以在 MultiBeast 中选择的 ALC892 )

    1. Get the Pure version of newest Mac OSX

    1.1 install vmware 12 + unlocker + mac os 10.12 cdr (older version);

    1.2 install mac os previous version;

    1.3 downlaod newest mac os in App Store of vmware virtulized Mac OSX;

    2. Make a USB installer of Mac OSX

    2.1 Downlaod Unibeat( https://www.tonymacx86.com/resources/unibeast-8-1-0.353/)

    2.2 Create a bootable usb installer & downlaod MultiBeast( https://www.tonymacx86.com/resou ... -sierra-10-2-0.360/) & copy Multibeast to USB installer;

    3. Installation of Mac OSX

    3.1 Follow the guidlines ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... el-based-pc.235474/) to setup BIOS of your PC;

    3.2 Install the High Sierra in your PC;

    4. Post tweaks

    4.1 Update the Clover to the newest verson ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot/)

    4.2 Run Multibeast from USB installer, for Z370 motherboard, Configuration as follows:

    Quick Start > Clover UEFI Boot Mode
    Drivers > Audio > Realtek ALCxxx > ALC892
    Drivers > Audio > Realtek ALCxxx > 100 / 200 / 300 Series Audio Support
    Drivers > Disk > Intel Generic AHCI SATA
    Drivers > Misc > FakeSMC
    Drivers > Misc > FakeSMC Plugins
    Drivers > Misc > FakeSMC HWMonitor Application
    Drivers > USB > Increase Max Port Limit 200 Series (should remove plist patch later and leave the XHCI kext)
    Bootloaders > Clover UEFI Boot Mode + Emulated NVRAM
    Customize > System Definitions > iMac > iMac 18,2
    Drivers > Graphics > NVIDIA Web Drivers Boot Flag

    4.3 Install Nvidia web driver: the Nvidia card is not supported natively, the 25.156 version is laggy, install the 25.106 or 25.104 version ) & switch to web driver,refer ( https://hiraku.tw/2018/01/4717/) to pure install or downgrade the driver version;

    4.4 Generate the Proper SSDT for 8th CPU, follow this ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... ee-lake-cpu.238311/) & check whether it works ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... -management.177456/)

    4.4 Other optimization:
    Refer to the post ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... 4k-monitors.240736/) for USB ports limit fix (see 6.7) and other optimization.

    5. Enable HiDPI for external monitor,refer ( https://bbs.feng.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11104214) & ( https://www.jianshu.com/p/30e6f84ffce8)

    6. tips & troubleshooting:

    6.1 the HDMI audio is not supported directly, refer ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... audio-guide.234735/)

    6.2 Choose Clover UEFI Boot Mode + Emulated NVRAM in MultiBeast, Otherwise the Nvidia Web Driver wouldn't be swithched to.

    6.3 set the mac os partition the first boot device, if dualboot or multiboot with linux or windows, search "Clover dualboot triple boot linux or windows";

    6.4 Disable/Enable SIP ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... -el-capitan.176151/)

    6.5 Dock hide/show delay -(terminal:$ defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier -int 0 $ killall Dock )

    6.6 Sleep with auto wakeup / 'Bluetooth not avaliable' after sleep/reboot (Caused by USB port limit injection,since bluetooh use the usb port)
    Reason-( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... -from-sleep.213878/) & solution -( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... eboot.226585/page-4) & ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... ectall-kext.211311/ )

    7. Other Useful basic skills:

    7.1 Mount EFI partition on Mac OSX ( http://blog.csdn.net/skykingf/article/details/13020025)

    7.2 Install Other kernel extensions ( kext ) which not include in Multibeast by using kextbeast ( https://www.tonymacx86.com/resources/kextbeast-2-0-1.310/) or manual way ( https://www.maketecheasier.com/add-remove-kexts-from-macos/)

    7.3 Device ID and hex value indetifier explanation ( https://www.osx86.net/forums/topic/7673-tipskexts-and-deviceids)

    8. Other links might be useful

    8.1 https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... 0k-gtx-1080.239969/

    8.2 https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... ended-guide.229353/

    8.3 https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/AppleIntelInfo & http://hackintoshlaptop.net/dsdtssdt-edit-with-maciasl/
    & http://hackintoshlaptop.net/ever ... o-know-about-nvram/ & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_list

    8.4 https://www.tonymacx86.com/threa ... x67-vs-0x00.235729/

    8.5 https://clover-wiki.zetam.org/Configuration/ACPI

    8.6 In terms of hackintosh, RehabMan is really a core dev.

    8.7 Search 'specific terminology' + wiki to find explanations of items.

    P.S. awesome Apps

    - windows manager: Amethyst ( https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst)
    - clipboard manager : clipy
    - Alfred
    - iTerm2
    - Mounty
    - ****X-NG
    - Sublime text
    - Teamviewer
    - Virtualbox
    - Sketch
    - Xcode
    - VS Code
    - IINA ( https://github.com/lhc70000/iina)
       2018-10-15 00:32:39 +08:00 via iPhone
    请问楼主能不能给我参考一下你的 clover 配置,我现在不知道为什么不能用 mounty 把 ntfs 分区挂载成读写模式。
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