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[西安] Stealth 模式初创公司招募高级 iOS 工程师 30k+

  •   rayzhu · 2018-06-11 16:22:46 +08:00 · 1808 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2322 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    我们是一家总部在西安的创业公司,客户在北美和中东,人工智能 /政府政策相关,招募高级 iOS 工程师一位。公司提供完善的福利制度。我们希望新同事拥有良好的英文沟通能力,以及对新技术的敏锐性和对新鲜事物的好奇心。



    • 高级工程师 30k+, 保证市场上前 5%的薪水
    • 五险一金以及其他法律规定的员工基础福利
    • 每年至少一次的国外旅行
    • 产假 (Paternity Leave or Maternity Leave)
    • 其他公司人性化的福利政策

    Senior iOS Engineer, Xi ’ an

    Founded by serial entrepreneurs, we are a startup in stealth mode with signed customers from around the world. The company is based in Xi ’ an and have operations in Dubai.

    We are looking for an iOS developer responsible for the development and maintenance of applications aimed at a range of iOS devices including mobile phones and tablet computers. Your primary focus will be the development of iOS applications and their integration with back-end services. You will be working alongside other engineers and developers working on different layers of the infrastructure. Therefore, a commitment to collaborative problem solving, sophisticated design, and the creation of quality products is essential.


    • Design and build applications for the iOS platform
    • Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications
    • Collaborate with a team to define, design, and ship new features
    • Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs
    • Help maintain code quality, organization, and automatization


    • Proficient with Objective-C or Swift, and Cocoa Touch
    • Experience with iOS frameworks such as Core Data, Core Animation, etc.
    • Experience with offline storage, threading, and performance tuning
    • Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect iOS applications to back-end services
    • Knowledge of other web technologies and UI/UX standards
    • Understanding of Apple ’ s design principles and interface guidelines
    • Knowledge of low-level C-based libraries, React Native is preferred
    • Experience with performance and memory tuning with tools
    • Familiarity with cloud message APIs and push notifications
    • Knack for benchmarking and optimization
    • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, e.g Git
    • Familiarity with continuous integration
    • Familiarity with the Agile developing approach
    • 3+ years of iOS developing experiences
    • Bachelor/master degree of CS/EE is preferred

    欢迎投递你的简历到 [email protected]

    2 条回复    2018-06-18 20:26:17 +08:00
       2018-06-12 09:06:05 +08:00 via iPhone
       2018-06-18 20:26:17 +08:00 via iPhone
    用 react native 连跨平台都解决了
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