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[北京] AppAnnie-UI/UX Designer (Web/Mobile/Apps)

  •   appannie · 2012-12-19 18:02:57 +08:00 · 3348 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4329 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    App Annie公司目前主要针对iOS、Android和Google Play平台应用和游戏以及广告做全球数据分析。在针对Appstore全球数据分析领域占据领先地位。;
    App Annie于2010年3月上线,允许应用开发者和发行商追踪/分析App Store中应用的销售额、下载量、排名和评论;
    App Annie 拥有100,000+ 的apps分析使用者;拥有80%的排名前100的IOS开发商;拥有每天639,199次的 iOS Apps 排名追踪 ; 

    App Annie公司拥有Open的北欧外企文化,目前在北京(总部)、香港、旧金山、东京和巴黎有办公室,现在处于迅速扩张期;
    App Annie公司有竞争性的薪酬、完善的福利(五险一金+商业保险)、人性化的外企范儿福利(弹性工作制+健身卡补助+宽带费补助)、最新式的苹果电脑和Iphone手机(或Ipad)以及富有主人翁精神的股票期权计划;
    App Annie公司办公地点再三里屯village对面的三里屯SOHO28层,购物、健身、工作三不误; 

    App Annie有每日更新的小食品、软饮料、时不时各种国内外的小礼物; 

    App Annie是绝对的联合国,员工来自16个国家,绝对免费的英语外教;
    App Annie公司和您共同成长,让我们一起见证奇迹的发生。

    The Role
    We are seeking a uniquely talented individual to own the full user experience design across all App Annie products including web applications, web dashboards and mobile interfaces. Your role will be end-to-end, taking responsibility in the early concept and interaction design stage right to execution and development. You will be creating innovative solutions for functional user experiences across all customer touch points.

    You will have ownership of the entire user experience and will be working closely with the product and development teams as well as the marketing team, with the following responsibilities:

    - Responsible for the entire user experience across specific App Annie products and interfaces (web, mobile, application)
    - Tasked with all components that make up the user experience process user research, usability testing, information architecture, interaction design and UI design
    - Create visual design comps and specifications for web pages, mobile screens and visual components
    - Gather business, interface, and information architecture requirements for interactive web applications
    - Prepare prototypes for all new product applications and features
    - Analyze quantitative data from web analytics and qualitative data from user research to intelligently iterate on products
    - Create wireframes, interaction workflows, annotated mock-ups and layouts for all new products and features
    - This is a unique role in the company for a gifted designer who wants to build a career at a fast-growing start-up

    The ideal candidate should have a passion for great design combined with the technical ability to achieve it. You have solid experience in web or user interface design and now want to take your career to the next level by being the first UX designer to join this fast growing SaaS start-up. As such, youll need to demonstrate more than just exceptional skills in interface design and web development. Youll need to demonstrate that you have the potential to really excel and grow at this company.

    - 3-5 years of web application design experience with an emphasis on interaction and interface design
    - 2+ years of mobile application design experience
    - Strong portfolio demonstrating clean, intuitive, and functional UX design (Please include a link of your online portfolio)
    - Ability to translate business requirements into functional design and seamless execution. You should feel equally comfortable wearing business, design and technical hats
    - Technical requirements include:
    - Excellent knowledge of front-end development - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
    - Experience with Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator a major plus
    - Experience in designing mobile websites / applications is a major plus
    - Good Python/PHP or other server side scripting language is a plus
    - Methodical and detail orientated there is not a thing you havent thought about in your designs. You demonstrate true design discipline
    - Efficient, organized and very effective within a collaborative team environment
    - Great customer mindset and advocate must absolutely get and care for what drives customers
    - Voracious appetite for all things Web; solid understanding of the capabilities of web browsers across multiple platforms; solid understanding of the capabilities of native mobile app across multiple platforms

    1. 直接提交中英文简历至该职位网址 http://appannie.theresumator.com/apply/YYhyIL/Web-Developer.html ,注明来源
    2. 发送中英文简历给 [email protected] ,注明:姓名-职位-来源
    3. 关注AppAnnie官网: www.appannie.com ,微博:appannie
    3 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2012-12-19 18:05:03 +08:00


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       2012-12-19 20:33:37 +08:00
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