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[上海] Recruiting a Full Stack Developer for an international startup company! 一个国际团队正在招聘全栈工程师!

  •   MrChantastic · 2019-05-25 02:28:33 +08:00 · 1760 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1978 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    We are a hungry young startup looking for people to be a part of our China Development team in Shanghai.


    We are looking for Full-Stack Developers who are passionate about their craft, who thrive on challenge and who believe in success through collaboration. The product we were building is an enterprise-level supply chain SaaS solution with customer-centric point-of-sale capabilities. We are working directly with well-known private education institutions to disrupt the billion dollar education industry in China and eventually, the world.

    我们正在寻找对开发充满热情,能够直面挑战并迅速成长、精于协作且乐观自信的全栈开发人员。 我们正在构建的产品是一个企业级供应链 SaaS 解决方案,主要面对的是国际学校。我们正在与很多知名私立教育机构直接合作,即将拓展的是中国乃至全世界数十亿美元的教育产业。

    ** If you're looking for a strong challenge, can handle the life of a startup, and crave the opportunity to create long-lasting change in society for our next generation of children, please reach out to us!  **

    ** 如果您正在寻求一个强大的挑战,喜欢创业公司的工作方式,并渴望为我们的下一代(孩子们)创造一个长期的社会变革,请联系我们! **

    ** Salary Range - 20K - 25K ** ** 税前工资:20K 到 25K **

    Responsibilities | 职责

    As a Full Stack Developer, you are responsible for developing world-class, complete web applications, both on the backend and frontend, for monitoring and addressing performance and security, and for developing customer-focused and scalable user experiences.

    作为一位全栈开发工程师,您需要负责开发世界级的完整 Web 应用程序,包括后端和前端,监视和解决性能和安全性,以及开发以客户为中心和可扩展的用户体验。

    You will work side-by-side with our Heads of Product, Technology, and Business Development, in addition to other engineers to build out our core products, test your ideas, and change the lives of countless people.


    You will:


    • Deliver web applications from idea inception and validation to a scalable solution.

    • 创建一个从创意开始,到验证交付的,可扩展的 Web 应用程序解决方案。

    • Collaborate with colleagues to ideate solutions for users, prioritizing based on business impact, and A/B test them.

    • 与同事协作,为用户提供解决方案,根据业务影响确定优先级,并进行 A/B 测试。

    • Develop new user-facing products and optimize existing ones using both client-side as well as server-side languages and technologies.

    • 使用客户端和服务器端语言和技术,开发一个面向用户的新产品,并优化现有产品。

    • Co-lead a team of junior developers, helping them grow, hone their craft, and succeed at what they do.

    • 共同领导一支初级开发人员团队,帮助他们成长,磨练自己的技艺,并从他们的成功中取得您的成功。

    Skills | 技术要求

    Understanding the full stack of web development, from the transmission of data segments between networks to presenting a well-strategized experience to users is vitally important in this role. We need self-starters who are great at solving problems, who initiate discussions, are solutions-oriented, customer focused, and believe that any challenge can be scaled with the right mindset and tools.

    了解整个 Web 开发的全栈技术,从网络之间的数据段传输,到向用户提供良好战略的体验。这对我们招聘的这个职位至关重要。 我们需要一个能超级自我驱动,善于解决问题,乐于发起讨论,以解决方案为导向,以客户为中心的人。他 /她应该相信:任何挑战都可以通过正确的思维方式和工具来解决。

    We are looking for:


    • Fluent in both Chinese and English.

    • 流利双语:中文和英文。

    • Experience working on products that impact a large user base or in an entrepreneurial startup environment.

    • 曾经参与过大型项目,以及创业公司的工作经验。

    • Experience with data-driven product development: analytics, A/B testing, etc.

    • 具备数据驱动的产品开发经验:分析,A/B 测试等。

    • Self-starters with a collaborative, can-do attitude.

    • 具有超强自我驱动能力,良好的工作态度。

    • Quick delivery of end-to-end solutions to validate ideas and produce quality products.

    • 能够快速交付端到端的解决方案,以验证创意,并产出优质的产品。

    • A minimum of 3-5 years of experience with one or more general purpose programming languages, including but not limited to ** Node.js **, ** Python **, ** Java **, ** MongoDB **, and Web development with ** Vue.js **, ** JavaScript **, ** HTML **, ** CSS **, and ** HTTP **. Bonus points for ** React Native ** or ** Android/iOS ** mobile App development experience.

    • 至少 3 到 5 年使用一种或多种通用编程语言的经验,包括但不限于** Node.js  Python  Java  MongoDB **,能使用 ** Vue.js  JavaScript  HTML  CSS ** 和 ** HTTP ** 进行 Web 开发。如果有 ** React Native ** 或 ** Android/iOS ** 移动应用程序的开发经验更好。

    • Experience debugging cross-browser compatibility issues.

    • 具有解决跨浏览器兼容性问题的经验。

    • Experience working on a command line in a Linux environment.

    • 具有在 Linux 环境中使用命令行的经验。

    • Passionate learners who aren't afraid of new tools and technologies to build great end-to-end customer experience.

    • 充满热情的学习者,不畏惧使用新工具和技术来建立良好的端到端客户体验。

    3 条回复    2019-06-12 07:46:23 +08:00
       2019-05-28 11:57:52 +08:00
    有 Email 吗?
       2019-05-28 11:59:55 +08:00
    有的! 请把你的简历或 LinkedIn 发我邮箱: [email protected]
       2019-06-12 07:46:23 +08:00 via iPhone
    三到五年经验只给到 20k 到 25k 不会太少了吗?还是 base 上海,不然还挺感兴趣
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