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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[北京] [C 轮独角兽外企] Java 后端/前端高级工程师

  •   TimeH · 2019-09-03 11:25:46 +08:00 · 1442 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1875 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    1.总部位于澳洲全球最大的 saas 在线设计平台;
    2.全球 190 个国家和地区拥有超过千万的用户;
    3.红杉中国领投,C 轮融资,估值超 10 亿美金。
    4.目前全球 1000 人左右,总部澳洲,欧美及东南亚有办公室,北京研发中心目前正在扩张
    5.Global 全球团队协作


    感兴趣请发送邮件至: [email protected] 微信:hire-by

    Frontend Software Engineer
    o Work with product designers and founders to build a next-generation web application with a focus on an extraordinary client-side experience
    o Build efficient and reusable front end abstractions and systems
    o Identify and address performance bottlenecks
    o Participate in design and code reviews
    o Communicate with other team members to figure out the best solutions to difficult problems
    o Help to identify and communicate standard practices and methodologies for front end engineering
    o Interact with our back end systems
    o Use a spacer.gif in our email templates every now and then
    o Fluent English and Mandarin
    o Knowledge of JavaScript and web technologies (HTML/CSS)
    o Experience developing rich applications with HTML/CSS/JS
    o Intimate knowledge of cross-browser and cross-device development
    o Ability to write high-performance, reusable code for UI components, including appropriate testing
    o Passion for performance debugging and benchmarking
    o Minimum two years experience
    o BS or MS degree in Computer Science / Software Engineering or a related field
    Bonus experience
    o Experience with SVGs
    o Experience with graphics programming
    o Experience with GLSL / WebGL
    o Experience with Java
    o An interest in interaction design

    Java Software Engineer
    Role Responsibilities
    o You will join =as an individual contributor and be paired with a mentor. Your day to day activities will consist of solution design and hands-on software development – working closely with your leads, designers, and product managers to deliver features and functionality to our 10+ million customers all over the world
    o Once you ’ ve settled in and have a comfortable grasp of the product, environment, and processes, you ’ ll be given more responsibility and start leveraging your previous experience — bringing new ideas to the table concerning everything from feature development, process improvement, and product suggestions
    o Taking charge of your career development by seizing opportunities to work across different teams, technologies, and roles
    o Developing and iterating on technical proposals – outlining how solutions will be structured and developed
    o Developing solutions you ’ ve designed from the ground up through to deployment into production
    o Identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks within the application and broader infrastructure
    o Participating in design meetings, hiring interviews, and code reviews
    o Performance debugging, benchmarking, and building awesome things in general
    Required Experience & Skills
    o Fluent English and Mandarin
    o Two (2) or more years of commercial experience developing complex web applications
    o You ’ re happy to work exclusively in Java (previous experience with other languages is great)
    o Firmly grounded computer science and engineering fundamentals including concurrency, multithreading, data structures, solution design, architecture, and design patterns. You ’ d be surprised how often these things come up here at Canva!
    o That you ’ re happy to roll the sleeves up and dive into java.util.concurrent from time to time
    o Strong communication and collaborative skills, both written and verbal
    1 条回复    2019-09-03 13:51:38 +08:00
       2019-09-03 13:51:38 +08:00 via Android
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