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「上海」野村证券, Java /BA/ Python /c#等岗位火热招募中

  •   yve11 · 2021-12-23 21:24:09 +08:00 · 2526 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1038 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    突然在 V 站看到我村,顺便来打个招聘广告,大家走过路过不要错过,最近或者年后有意向动一动的都来康康~ po 几个最近比较新的岗位,别的还有 c#,python ,全栈以及不同 team 的 java 也在招哦~有兴趣欢迎去我们招聘网站瞅瞅

    1. CTS - BA
    1) Job/Group Overview
    Nomura is a leading financial services group and the preeminent Asian-based investment bank with worldwide reach. Nomura provides a broad range of innovative solutions tailored to the specific requirements of individual, institutional, corporate and government clients through an international network in 30 countries. Based in Tokyo and with regional headquarters in Hong Kong, London, and New York, Nomura employs approx. 26,000 staff worldwide.

    2) Responsibilities:
    - Responsible for technology projects on Front to Back trade flow.
    - Managing change and analysis on back office after-trade flow, Trade Life Cycle and its PV, Notional, and Cash Flow that impact to accounting, ledger, Profit and Loss calculation, AeJ regulatory policy and Treasury funding process.
    - Working with technology experts from different teams and regions to collect business requirement and translate to technology & functional requirement and applying SDLC and Agile methodology in delivery. Discuss change impact and effort estimation and its prioritization among different regions and competing priorities.
    - Handling regional AeJ regulatory change requirement especially Liquidity and Capital requirement.
    - Collaborate with business user, Subject Matter Experts and IT teams to deliver Front to Back trade flow solution to AeJ regional users.
    - Report and communicate to Steer Community and Regional Stakeholders.
    - Work with L1, L2 and L3 Production Support teams to help maintain BAU in the region.

    - Experience of various Product Trade Life cycles, e.g. Syndicate, Prime Service, FX, Cash Product, Derivative, Bond and Repo, Future and Option and Equity Cash Flow.
    - Extremely competent on how Ledger software works. Double Booking, Credit and Debit accounting concept, Chart of Account, retained earnings, FX Selldown process, Month End, Quarter End and Year End ledger process.
    - Hypo PnL, Clean PnL, Dirty and Flash PnL, FOBO and its implication to Product Control and Traders.
    - Ability to explain PnL attribution and it impacts to PnL. Fair Value Hierarchy and pricing model which impact to unrealized PnL and Mark to Market.
    - Capital Adequate Ratio and Liquidity concept and how it impacts to Trading activities and Treasury.
    - Have experience of regional batch system design and support
    - Familiar with Sybase IQ, Informtica, C# / Visual Basic, Rest API, Python and Denodo (Preferred).
    - Willing to work with difference time zone to liaise with UK / US / India, AeJ and Japan colleagues.
    - Experience developing and writing business/functional requirement document and Traceability Matrix.
    - High attention to detain.
    - Data analytic skill.
    - Self-motivated, willing to work with offshore and fast technology adoption.
    - Strong communication skills, interpersonal skills and fluent English speaking and writing.
    - Experience to pitch and report to senior management.

    - At least 5 years investment banking Back Office Project experience.
    - Bachelor degree in Computer Science or finance-related.
    - Experience working in multi-national firm.
    - Project Management skill or PMP

    2. GIS - Java
    Job Overview:
    GIS Infrastructure Development function sits within Group Infrastructure Services and provides expertise in infrastructure application development globally. The function is responsible for the flagship Intranet and Extranet portals, critical technology services such as CMDB and NPC (Nomura Private Cloud), and numerous supporting applications. The successful candidate will join the GIS Infrastructure Development team and will be responsible for the development and design of new services and the redesign of the existing based on the firm’s strategy on a hybrid cloud architecture.

    Year of experience:
    3 ~ 7 years

    Role / Principal Accountabilities:
    - Java system development and support of the systems within GIS Infrastructure Development.
    - Delivery of projects on time and within budget.
    - To communicate effectively to stakeholders and management.

    Skills & Experience Required:
    - Strong expertise of Java, Spring Boot & Cloud
    - Strong SQL skills and experience with at least one RDBMS, for example MySQL, Oracle, Sybase
    - Excellent capability to understand and translate complex business requirements into technology solutions
    - Solid working experience of Agile Software development methodology, such as Scrum
    - Experience of TDD/BDD and testing frameworks, for example JUnit, Mockito, Selenium.
    - Working knowledge of LDAP and SSO
    - Knowledge of cloud technologies such as OpenAPI, Kubenetes, Docker / Containers, Consul, Istio, ELK and Grafana.

    - Working experience of public cloud solutions such as AWS, Azure
    - Working experience of re-architecting monolith applications from non-cloud environments to cloud micro-service architectures.
    - Knowledge of QA automation methodology
    - Knowledge of DevOps methodology and tools such as Jenkins, Bamboo, Nexus and SonarQube
    - Knowledge of ITIL practices and ServiceNow

    3. IDD - Java
    1) Job/Group Overview:
    You will be joining a global team to work on Nomura strategic intraday risk program in Global Markets division, which provides real time insights of trading information, risk and PnL numbers, limit utilization etc. for our risk managers and desks to see what’s happening at fingertips cross asset classes. It’s a continuing evolving platform in both business logic and application infrastructure to fulfill the rapidly increasing needs from key stakeholder, and you will have the chance to be actively involved in each component of the front to back processing flow, from data ingestion to data visualization. The tech stacks include core Java and streaming big data framework for daily risk and reference data processing, In-memory cube for data aggregation and ELK / WPF / Bespoke reporting platform for data representation.

    2) Responsibilities:
    • Design, develop and maintain distributed streaming data platform using Flink and core Java
    • Enhance the design to be scalable and robust enough to handle real-time huge data volume
    • Collaborate with the globally distributed team members and counterparts to achieve business goal.
    • Flexible and committed to a fast-changing environment

    3) Requirements (indicate mandatory or/and preferred):
    • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
    • Minimum 5 years Java development experience
    • Excellent communication skill to work with application users and team members
    • Proficient in Java 8, familiar with multi-threading, high concurrency, IO/ NIO, etc
    • Experience with building distributed applications
    • Experience at least one of Message Queue including EMS, Kafka, or Solace
    • Experience with Spring, Spring Boot, Git, and Maven
    • Experience with JVM optimization
    • Experience with databases based on SQL or non-SQL
    • Familiar with SDLC and tool including GitLab/GitHub, Jenkins, and JIRA
    • Familiar with Unix shell
    • Able to research new concepts and tech to enhance both new and legacy applications

    • Experience with Apache Flink or Spark Streaming – Great Plus
    • Experience with ActivePivot – Great Plus
    • Experience with NoSQL including GemFire/Geode and Elasticsearch
    • Experience with OLAP technology
    • Experience with CI/CD tool including SonarQube, Docker, Ansible, Zephyr, and Kubernetes
    • Experience with building integration test for large-scale distributed system
    benefits : Social Society, we offer extra house founding and medical insurance. Regarding to the medical insurance, company will pay 18k – 19k/year for high level Medical insurance for employee.
    Annual Leave: 20 days with full salary / year
    Medical Leave: 12 days with full salary / year
    Family Leave: 5 days with full salary / year (this is the special benefit what we offer our employee)
    …. Etc.

    JD 看起来是有点长,因为还带了 team 介绍~还有很多别的就不放上来啦,欢迎大家多投递~
    13 条回复    2021-12-30 16:38:39 +08:00
       2021-12-23 23:52:38 +08:00
       2021-12-24 10:29:02 +08:00 via iPhone
       2021-12-24 10:52:16 +08:00
    20 天年假!
       2021-12-24 12:06:59 +08:00 via iPhone
       2021-12-25 11:15:36 +08:00
       2021-12-25 20:47:46 +08:00
       2021-12-26 00:34:04 +08:00
       2021-12-28 23:38:57 +08:00
    @byaiu 看岗位和级别的哦,目前 boss 挂了点岗位可以看,或者可以加我 vx 细聊
       2021-12-28 23:40:06 +08:00
    @knowckx 嘿嘿 有无兴趣
       2021-12-28 23:44:57 +08:00
    @ninblue 看面试官,有时候会全英文有时候会中文。但是总之需要一定的英文能力哒,口语基本交流是底限哦
       2021-12-28 23:48:19 +08:00
    @AndyMadaou 不同职级薪资范围不一样诶,总之薪资属于还不错哒(不和 996 互联网比的话)。有兴趣可以给我个简历细聊哦(或者去 linkedin/ boss 都可以看到,不过 linkedin 目前只能挂一个职位...
       2021-12-29 10:52:04 +08:00
    @yve11 不会 java 只会 go
       2021-12-30 16:38:39 +08:00
    @yve11 谢谢回复,大数据方向有坑吗?( spark 离线数仓这种)
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