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[远程/外企] RSS3 正在寻找 AI 工程师

  •   rss3 · 2023-08-22 15:11:15 +08:00 · 5983 次点击
    这是一个创建于 432 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    The right to create, disseminate and distribute information should not be in the hands of centralized governing. It is the basic right of cyber lives. 🌍

    RSS3 is:

    RSS3 is an information dissemination protocol designed to achieve open, efficient, and secure flow of information on the Open Web. RSS3 is initiated by Natural Selection Labs, which is also the team behind Crossbell, backed by top investors including Arweave, Coinbase, Coinshares, Dapper Labs, Dragonfly, Fabric, and Hashkey.

    Homepage: https://rss3.io

    GitHub: https://github.com/NaturalSelectionLabs/RSS3

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rss3_

    Your Role:

    In this role, you'll embark on an exciting journey to harness the potential of decentralized data. You'll be creating state-of-the-art Generative AI products using decentralized data, driving the acceleration of Internet decentralization. Your contributions will shape the future of how everyone interacts with information, opening up avenues to democratize access to decentralized networks.

    Your Duties:

    • Collaborate with our AI team to enhance existing Generative AI solutions.
    • Refine and optimize Language User Interface (LUI) products for improved accuracy.
    • Leverage Langchain and other cutting-edge technologies to push boundaries.
    • Design and implement modular AI components using decentralized data.
    • Play a pivotal role in driving the decentralization of the Internet.

    We look for:

    • Proficiency in Python.
    • Passion for Generative AI and Large Language Models.
    • Experience in Langchain and/or LlamaIndex.
    • Experience in vector databases and RDBMS.
    • Mastery of software engineering principles.
    • Strong problem-solving and communication skills.
    • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

    You will be more competitive if you:

    1. Prior experience in fully-remote roles.
    2. Experience in other languages such as Java, Go, and JavaScript.

    We Use:

    • Slack

    • Notion

    • Linear

    • GitHub

    • Join the VS Code Gang or the JetBrains Squad

    We offer:

    • A chance to directly participate in the Internet revolution and make the world a better place.
    • Opportunities to collaborate with the world’s top open web projects.
    • A team of loving and competent companions!
    • FULLY-REMOTE role with very flexible working hours.
    • An AWESOME & CARING company culture.
    • Competitive allowances and benefits.
    • We are committed to diversity and welcome talented applicants from all walks of life to apply! All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.

    We are:

    At Natural Selection Labs, we are dedicated to creating a free information society.

    We are a globally distributed organization: all our members work remotely from different countries, including the US, Japan, New Zealand, the UK, and China. We promote flexible working hours, so both early birds and night owls are welcome!

    Our team is equal, open, and free. Since our establishment, we have made tremendous progress and are incredibly proud of the team culture and atmosphere that teammates experience in our organization.


    [email protected]

    7 条回复    2023-12-20 13:30:18 +08:00
       2023-08-22 18:16:19 +08:00   ❤️ 7
    并不透明的转正机制,毫无信誉地招一批人裁一批,可以公开一下过去一年中转正的比例,同一批进来的 10 来个人最后转正几个可以公开一下让以后的候选人做一下判断吗
       2023-08-22 19:16:01 +08:00   ❤️ 1
    rss3 挺垃圾的 web3 团队
       2023-08-22 19:57:00 +08:00
       2023-08-22 20:58:25 +08:00
    为什么就认为 web3 就会是自己的 dream company 。。。和传统公司本质一样。
       2023-08-23 08:54:46 +08:00   ❤️ 2
    没必要喷啥现阶段 web3 很多公司自己都不知道做啥,想做了招人,不想做了马上裁,开始的时候都这样,进去的时候想清楚就好。
       2023-08-23 10:10:35 +08:00   ❤️ 2
    《外 企》,指一群华人老板套一层外企的皮,营造出一种极度美好的氛围骗人进去,做过 staking 、NFT 、发过 token ,但是无一例外都是割韭菜的项目。。。
       312 天前   ❤️ 1
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