

V2EX 第 239445 号会员,加入于 2017-07-10 10:04:17 +08:00
今日活跃度排名 416
根据 hadesy 的设置,主题列表被隐藏
二手交易 相关的信息,包括已关闭的交易,不会被隐藏
hadesy 最近回复了
33 天前
回复了 t4we 创建的主题 NAS 原来云盘文件在 Server 是不加密的
(function () {
function createHandler() {
const globalObj = Object.getPrototypeOf(global) || global;
globalObj.chunkFileMap = globalObj.chunkFileMap || {
881: "crypto-js/cipher-core.js",
5624: "crypto-js/core.js",
8160: "crypto-js/md5.js",
5613: "crypto-js/aes.js",
2468: "crypto-js/evpkdf.js",
136: "crypto-js/enc-base64.js",
3139: "crypto-js/hmac.js",
9092: "crypto-js/sha1.js",
2120: "crypto-js/pad-pkcs7.js",
345: "crypto-js/enc-utf8.js",
8183: "dayjs/dayjs.min.js",
5634: "dayjs/plugin/isoWeek.js",
6700: "manifest.js",
5100: "cmps/em-request/index.js",
3375: "cmps/em-request/device.js",
2172: "global.js",
6425: "la.js"

const appPackages = [
{ appName: "拼多多", packageName: "com.xunmeng.pinduoduo", dp: "pddopen://" },
{ appName: "今日头条", packageName: "com.ss.android.article.news", dp: "snssdk141://" },
{ appName: "淘宝", packageName: "com.taobao.taobao", dp: "taobao://" },
{ appName: "京东", packageName: "com.jingdong.app.mall", dp: "openjd://" }

// 包加载工具函数
function requireModule(module) {
return module && module.__esModule ? module : { default: module };

const packageModule = requireModule($app_require$("@app-module/system.package"));
const routerModule = requireModule($app_require$("@app-module/system.router"));
const clipboardModule = requireModule($app_require$("@app-module/system.clipboard"));
const shortcutModule = requireModule($app_require$("@app-module/system.shortcut"));
const configModule = requireModule($app_require$("@app-module/system.configuration"));
const { getAdConfig } = $app_require$(6661);
const { getSimInfo } = $app_require$(9998);
const extraConfig = requireModule($app_require$(7388));

return {
private: {
backConfig: {},
backCount: 0,
hasJump: false,
taskUri: "",
attrUri: "",
hasEnter: false

async onInit(config) {
try {
} catch (e) {}

try {
shortcutModule.default.systemPromptEnabled = false;
} catch (e) {}

setGlobalData("startType", 1);
setGlobalData("realizationType", "newbie");

const { pid, ckCode } = config || {};
track({ pageName: "redbox", eventType: "page_view", pid });
setGlobalData("hasReportStart", 1);

const adConfig = await getAdConfig();

if (adConfig.extraConfig?.stackMode) {
setGlobalData("stackMode", adConfig.extraConfig.stackMode);

if (adConfig.extraConfig?.clnMode) {
let selectedPackage = false;
if ((adConfig.extraConfig.clnMode === 1 || adConfig.extraConfig.clnMode === 4) && ckCode) {
selectedPackage = this.handleClnMode(ckCode, extraConfig.default);

if (!selectedPackage) {
this.handleClnModeRandom(adConfig.extraConfig.clnMode, extraConfig.default);

if (adConfig.extraConfig?.backConfig) {
try {
this.backConfig = JSON.parse(adConfig.extraConfig.backConfig);
} catch (e) {
this.backConfig = {};

const noAttrEntryPage = adConfig.noAttrEntryPage === "index" ? $manifest.router.entry : adConfig.noAttrEntryPage;
const { task = "", attr = "" } = adConfig.extraConfig?.jumpPage || {};

this.taskUri = noAttrEntryPage || task || "/task/base";
this.attrUri = attr || "/redbox/newbie";

if (!adConfig.extraConfig.disableYRouter) {
globalObj.routerPush = this.routerPush.bind(this, routerModule.default);

if (!adConfig.extraConfig.disableYInstall) {
globalObj.pkgInstall = this.pkgInstall.bind(this, packageModule.default);

const isAttr = getGlobalData("IsAttr");
const { canBack = 0 } = this.backConfig;

if (isAttr && canBack) {
this.hasJump = true;
this.hasEnter = true;
routerModule.default.push({ uri: this.attrUri, params: { pagefrom: "redbox" } });
} else {
this.hasEnter = true;
routerModule.default.replace({ uri: isAttr ? this.attrUri : this.taskUri, params: { pagefrom: "redbox" } });

onShow() {
if (this.hasJump) {
const { backNum = 0 } = this.backConfig;
if (backNum && this.backCount >= backNum) {
routerModule.default.push({ uri: this.attrUri, params: { pagefrom: "redbox", repeat: true, backCount: this.backCount } });

onReady() {
const stackElement = this.$element("stack");
if (stackElement) {
stackElement.requestFullscreen({ screenOrientation: "portrait" });

onDestroy() {},

onBackPress: () => true,

pageClick() {
if (!this.hasEnter) return;

track({ eventType: "redbox_action", eventName: "redbox_click" });

const isAttr = getGlobalData("IsAttr");
const { canBack = 0 } = this.backConfig;

if (isAttr && canBack) {
this.hasJump = true;
routerModule.default.push({ uri: this.attrUri, params: { pagefrom: "redbox" } });
} else {
routerModule.default.replace({ uri: isAttr ? this.attrUri : this.taskUri, params: { pagefrom: "redbox" } });

handleClnMode(ckCode, config) {
for (const key in config) {
if (key === ckCode && config[key].mode === 1) {
setGlobalData("laPackageName", config[key].name);
configModule.default.setLocale({ language: config[key].la, countryOrRegion: "" });
return true;
return false;

handleClnModeRandom(clnMode, config) {
const mode = clnMode === 3 ? 3 : 2;
const candidates = Object.values(config).filter(pkg => pkg.mode === mode);
if (candidates.length) {
const selected = candidates[Math.floor(Math.random() * candidates.length)];
setGlobalData("laPackageName", selected.name);
configModule.default.setLocale({ language: selected.la, countryOrRegion: "" });

routerPush(router, options) {
try {
} catch (e) {
packageModule.default.open({ url: options.uri });

pkgInstall(packageModule, pkg) {
try {
const app = appPackages.find(app => app.packageName === pkg.package);
if (app) {
} catch (e) {

if (typeof window === "undefined") {
return createHandler();
window.createPageHandler = createHandler;
正常启动后,虚拟机 dump 内存,然后在文件中中找 master key
133 天前
回复了 Aura23022 创建的主题 PHP 这段代码是 PHP 混淆吗?
2023-10-09 09:37:31 +08:00
回复了 Braisdom 创建的主题 程序员 Agile Query 网站上线了
文档全是 todo?
2022-06-06 13:49:55 +08:00
回复了 sss495088732 创建的主题 程序员 aliyun oss 挂了?
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