V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  my8100  ›  全部回复第 3 页 / 共 3 页
回复总数  49
1  2  3  
2018-11-14 23:52:24 +08:00
回复了 my8100 创建的主题 Python 如何简单高效地部署和监控分布式爬虫项目
@find456789 之前有用过 subprocess 调用 docker 内的 Scrapy + Scrapyd
v1.0.0rc1: Add Email Notice; Refactor codes
scrapydweb:实现 Scrapyd 集群管理,Scrapy 日志分析和可视化 https://github.com/my8100/scrapydweb
v0.9.9: Add auto eggifying
v0.9.8: Kill caching subprocess when main process is killed
v0.9.7: Fix the bug that fails to read lastModifiedDate of egg file in Firefox and Safari
v0.9.6 Support accessing Scrapyd servers protected by basic auth
v0.9.5 Add Items page
v0.9.4 Add basic auth for web UI
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