wv1124 最近的时间轴更新


V2EX 第 72192 号会员,加入于 2014-08-28 10:48:30 +08:00
wv1124 最近回复了
2016-10-08 21:26:59 +08:00
回复了 NuckyThompson 创建的主题 Markdown MWEB 用的人多吗?配合 Hexo 感觉用的飞起
2016-02-04 16:55:20 +08:00
回复了 wangzhenx 创建的主题 macOS xtrafinder 10.11 下无法启动呀 作者说已经兼容了
看这里, https://www.trankynam.com/xtrafinder/sip.html
但问题 mac 安全策略禁止注入, 所有用不了,
How to partially disable System Integrity Protection

Refer this Apple's article .
Follow these steps:
1. Boot to Recovery OS by restarting your machine and holding down the Command and R keys at startup.
2. Launch Terminal from the Utilities menu.
3. Enter the following command: csrutil enable --without debug
Reboot your computer.
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